Risultati di ricerca

Composable Architecture: instructions for use

We live in uncertain times.  Volatility in terms of market, business, and customer needs has become a constant to contend with.  Covid19, the crisis in Ukraine, and the rapid advance of technological progress force us to ask a question: how do we design for a future that changes everyday?  One answer is Composable Architecture or […]

API first: the importance of an API centered approach in native cloud app development

The advent of the cloud has determined a remarkable review of software and application development paradigms. Probably though, despite the feverish evolution of "Cloud" services, a non-technical user wouldn’t be perfectly able to perceive the extent of their impact on the design and development paradigm of application software. It wouldn’t even be enough to emphasize […]

IoT, an interesting journey

In the first post related to the IoT platform we talked about some introductory aspects: The importance of using an IoT platform for disaster prediction, showing a real project for monitoring the structure of bridges and tunnels (NTSG partner) The meaning of IoT data storm (how much data are we talking about) That importance of […]

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