Risultati di ricerca

The SPARTA Project: decreasing pollution with smart parking and traffic analysis.

GreenVulcano has contributed to the “made in Italy” tech innovation for almost twenty years through the realisation of multiple projects. Often, the best solutions come from a eureka moment in a research lab - as GV’s one - and then realised in an international project. And it’s exactly from GreenVulcano’s R&D department that the SPARTA […]

What’s business automation and why you should automate your business.

In a time where innovations permeate the market at great speed, increasingly revealing the difficulty of the human brain to keep up with the inflow of generated data, is still possible to ignore the need to automate some work activities? Can you be competitive in your market without exploiting the power of automation? A FEW DATA POINTS In […]

The efficiency of Big Data and AI in creating more humane purchase experience - Part 2

This article is the continuation of the previous blog that you can find at this link and we suggest to read it before going ahead. Big data in "new marketing" in this case is an artificial intelligence, first of all the automation of marketing processes. D'Ambrosio emphasizes: "Marketing Automation is growing rapidly, it has been […]

The efficiency of Big Data and AI in creating more humane purchase experience - Part 1

As you can imagine from the title the topic of the next blogs is quite vast and complex and therefore we want to start with a simple example to introduce the subject even to the less experienced. You probably had this happen to you. Let’s say you are glancing at a pair of shoes from […]

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