Vehicle Telematics will grow exponentially in the next 5 years, according to the analysts at GreenVulcano Technologies, led by Gaetano Rossi, new Vice President and General Director of the company: “An opportunity for the country to play the match for digital transformation and artificial intelligence”.
Digital transformation is raising new challenges in the industry. From fleet telematics to fleet efficiency, passing through asset protection, this is the verticalization of the telematics industry applied to automotive as designed by GreenVulcano Technologies (GVT), partner of one of the 22 top players, which combined represent 46% of the global market.
To face such challenges, the company relied on Gaetano Rossi, new Vice President and General Director of the company. «I am incredibly happy to face this new challenge», he says.
«I see only the best prerequisites to make the best out of the experience the company earned in the many projects focused on digital transformation».
The health emergency caused the acceleration of digital transformation.
We’re talking of cloud integration with the internet of things (IoT), passing through artificial intelligence (AI) and through new forms of human-machine interaction, made available (among the many things) by intelligent process automation (IPA) and a human-centered approach to machine learning.
This very acceleration involves the concept of telematics applied to automotive and fleet management, topics which GreenVulcano is focusing all its efforts on.
It is from this perspective that we welcomed Gaetano Rossi in the team of GVT, the B2B player behind the curtain of the major smart mobility companies, as well as one of the most active R&D labs of Italian hi-tech.
The greatest challenge for the company is in the telematics field applied to automotive and fleet management. This industry will go from $46,070mln in 2021 (GVT’s estimate on data from MarketWatch) to $121,550mln estimated by MarketWatch in 2026.
Geographically, the United States will still hold the leading position, with a market share of 34%. But the European Union is in second place, with 29%, surpassing China, which is third with 13%.
46% of the market is held by just 22 top players. Among these, there is a company GVT has partnered with for years. Together, they deal with vehicle telematics for one of the main car sharing companies in Italy.
Here, the growth GVT estimates is a constant 15% yoy for the next 5 years.
Dr. Rossi’s mission is to lead GVT’s team to further growth and the transformation of the classic development model into a sustainable development model.
«Italy has the exceptional opportunity to go back to being an important piece in the global chessboard if it can focus its efforts on what is necessary to follow the increasingly relevant and global technological trends».
«In particular, establishing a new form of humanism that zeroes in on humans and their value ecosystem is incredibly interesting and very much in line with the deepest historical and cultural characteristics of our country», Dr. Rossi remarks
The profile and experience of Dr. Rossi will be central in the transition towards the future.
His professional career started as a “brilliant programmer and analyst”, leading him to the Bell Labs where he covered increasingly complex managing roles.
«This company has the power to give a strong contribution to the opportunity our country is facing: the match for digital transformation enabled by artificial intelligence.»
A crucial challenge since this is a field that «will surely become one of the most important industries in our economy in the middle and long term», Rossi foresees.
Hence, that of Dr. Rossi is a company challenge within a quickly changing world. Growth will be increasingly balanced to the resources and needs emerged before and during the pandemic.«Digital transformation and artificial intelligence provide us with the opportunity to start again, towards a strong, sustainable development that entails a distinct growth of renewable energy, a greater transportation sustainability, a smarter management of recycling and waste production and solutions we still haven’t even imagined,» the Vice President and General Director concludes.
Gaetano Rossi - Vice President and General Director
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