We live in a great era for the information technology.
A lot of powerful tools allow us to build, deploy and scale, fast and easily, software and services or infrastructures: we can setup a cluster in few minutes (using an IaaS), through a SaaS configure our backend while technologies like real-time scaling allow Ops teams to sleep peacefully.
In this scenario micro-services architecture is spreading wide, greatly responding to the dynamism and cheapness our era requires.We could be tempted to think we don’t need ESB anymore, maybe replacing it using reactive interaction pattern in our services.
Actually until the Enterprise Integration challenges will survive we still need an ESB, and today these challenges aren’t disappearing, they are just evolving (we can see it when integrating heterogeneous protocols in an IoT context or applying Machine Learning technologies to legacy data mining systems).

The best we can do is to use a smarter approach applying the enterprise application pattern while maintaining the high reliability standard reached by traditional systems.

Which are the characteristic we must look for in an advanced ESB?
- Fastness: in all lifecycle phases, to provide quickly responses to the high changeable business demands of our days
- Cheaply: suitable for multiple environments, as on cloud as on commodity hardware, reducing cost for hardware and software licences
- Smart: using modular and polymorphic structure to deal easily with incoming requirements
Many complex and time-consuming problems will be outdone:
- Legacy systems compliance, allowing value maximization of our assets
- Smart endpoints, to enhance our microservices architecture
- Enterprise grade, using technologies ever on top of reliability performance
GreenVulcano ESB v4 - The ESB Evolved
All these concepts have inspired GreenVulcano Technologies to project an evolution of our ESB, natively future-proof-developed and now ready to accept all the challenges that market is going to raise in the next years.

An highly evolving world requires a new kind of technological solutions to face the increasingly difficult challenges raised by global competition.
Contact us to know more of GreenVulcano ESB Evolution