GreenVulcano Project Research: the BIM technologies

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an innovative technology that represents a new way to build. According to a recent market analysis, in a few years BIM will become the standard process for building construction and the world’s biggest countries are already studying specific laws to spread the development of this construction standard.

The acronym BIM was first used on “Modelling multiple views on buildings”, a study conducted by architects Tolman and Van Nederveen in 1992, to widespread in the beginning of the new millennium.

Using the BIM, processes linked to the construction and the infrastructure itself become an information model that is a model containing all information regarding its life cycle, from planning to construction and its ordinary maintenance. This is an operational and methodological process which is usually divided in four stages:


  • programming
  • design
  • realization
  • preventive and predictive maintenance of singular modules


An essential element of BIM technology is the representation of the building using a 3D model that defines the order and position of all the elements that will be used in the construction.


GreenVulcano project is focused on collecting the data coming from the modules and their analysis through innovative machine learning and AI’s algorithms.

Since its beginning the first goal of the project has been the collection of real time information from construction modules which allow to reduce costs for every step of the building process as well as lessening the risk of injuries caused by collapses or unpredictable events (i.e. natural disasters).


The project envisages a data collecting from the modules, connected each other and to the GreenVulcano platform via the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.  NFC creates a short-range dual-way and peer-to-peer network which sends and receives information. Directly integrated inside the constructive modules the NFC sensors are able to communicate with a dashboard that collect data from each and every component of the structure, thus making a new building similar to a huge database, where every module’s information is stored and can be recalled to create reports or for other purpose.


The BIM project makes possible to recreate a virtual and dynamic model of a building and to monitor a wide range of parameters:


  • design and construction (there are no margins of error in the realization of the work)
  • materials used
  • energetic performances over time
  • maintenance costs and timing
  • safety
  • Position of modules


Information collected from every module can be used by GreenVulcano for analytic activities in all the different stages (from planning, drastically reducing human error rate, to realization and maintenance, lowering general costs and the necessity of future modifications).


BIM represents a great opportunity for building companies that are usually traditional and scarcely technological.

Stanford University, through an analysis conducted by CIFE (Centre for Integrated Facilities Engineering), detected these valuable and immediate benefits for companies using BIM technology:


  • Up to 80% reduction of time spent generating a quote;
  • More accuracy in the cost estimation, with a 3% maximum margin of error
  • Up to 40% elimination of unplanned modifications


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