What’s business automation and why you should automate your business.

In a time where innovations permeate the market at great speed, increasingly revealing the difficulty of the human brain to keep up with the inflow of generated data, is still possible to ignore the need to automate some work activities? Can you be competitive in your market without exploiting the power of automation?


In 2019, the automation of “Business Processes” is on track to demonstrate the fastest growth of any business software category. In 2018 alone, this market grew by 63%.

Using current technology, 60% of professions could automate about 30% of their activities.

These numbers are symptomatic of the awareness that companies have about the potential of automation. GreenVulcano is perfectly aware of this as well. In addition to developing a highly performing business automation tool, GreenVulcano periodically organizes events aimed at promoting the implementation of new technologies within organizations. In the next installment of the Talking Tech program, scheduled for 5 December, we will be talking about the automation of processes and production. We will also be discussing the importance of data, collection, analysis as well as its use in more or less structured business contexts.


Business Automation (also known as "Business Process Automation" or "BPA") consists of the use of technology to perform recurring tasks or processes in a company where it is possible to partially substitute manual effort. Corporate automation systematically replaces manual processes with ismart automation based on rules, just-in-time analysis and open collaboration. Often this is achieved with the use of business automation tools. Business automation tools simplifies and accelerates complex workflows, offering transparency and control on all parts of the process.


The potential of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics, used to perform tasks once destined for humans, is no longer reserved for spectacular demonstrations such as Baxter from Rethink Robotics, DeepMind or the driverless car from Google. Just head to an airport to find out that the automatic check-in stands dominate the ticketing areas of many airlines. Pilots actively drive the plane for only 3-7 minutes of many flights, with the automatic pilot who rules the rest of the journey.

Based upon this fact, it would therefore seem improper to talk about investment, since business automation is already a stable part of the procedural flows of many activities. However, while in the past companies wanted to automate processes to control costs and increase efficiency within the organization, today the focus of the companies has shifted from the satisfaction of internal needs to the engagement with external customers and the creation of new business opportunities. The traditional model of business automation has therefore evolved from a single focus on the rationalization of processes in the development of new strategies to the actual automation of the activity itself.

Since 1913, the year Henry Ford devised the assembly chain by making the use of technology popular as a means of automation of business processes, the business automation brings with it a widespread feeling of fear linked to a significant downsizing of jobs.

But this is not the case: according to today's data, less than 5% of professions can be completely deprived of human contribution. Very few professions will be automated in their entirety soon or medium term. Rather, many work activities will not be eliminated as much as redefined, as happened for the professional figure of the bank teller with the advent of ATMs.

A brief introduction to Claudio: what it is and how it can automate your business activities

Previously we referred to business automation as an alternative to executing recurring activities in a company. However, often behind the automation processes are integration systems and programming activities for which specific technical skills are required. The difficulties of integration between legacy systems and new cloud-based systems are not negligible for a non-technical user.

Claudio, the business automation tool produced by GreenVulcano, allows you to integrate a huge number of complex systems and automate repetitive tasks in just a few simple steps.

A very simple graphical interface, combined with the drag & drop functionality, makes the process of creating the workflow to be automated extremely intuitive and fast. Also, the ease with which it can be integrated both on-premise and on cloud applications makes it particularly versatile and flexible.

In a few minutes you can create a new workflow and automate the established process.


We imagine wanting to automate a daily or weekly "news scouting" activity. Claudio's flow could be built, in this case, using news catalogues, such as google news, filtered for keywords. The result would be a personalized email to each user (specific name of the user, specific topics based on past requests, etc) sent to periodic deadline.


  • Keep users informed about specific and customized topics;
  • Reduce and lighten the workload of employees;
  • Increase the satisfaction and loyalty of current customers;
  • Automate periodic contact with current and / or potential customers.

Why not try? Go to https://www.greenvulcano.com/claudio/, leave us your email and you will be contacted! Then come back here and let us know how it went!

And don't miss "The Power of Process Automation", the appointment with Talking Tech on December 5th.


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