Vehicle Telematics will grow exponentially in the next 5 years, according to the analysts at GreenVulcano Technologies.
Industrial IoT represents such a radical change for manufacturing industries to be considered as the fourth industrial revolution by the analysts.
The modifications to the production structure and the benefits to the business resulting from IIoT have been compared to the innovations brought in by the introduction of the first mechanical tools (end of ‘700), the invention of the first production lines (beginning of ‘900) and by the first automations in the early 70s.
What is IIoT?
IIoT originates from the translation of the latest technologies, both hardware and software, into the world of production, due the promised improvements on company performances, on their work safety, and consequently on their competitiveness.
According to one of the latest Accenture’s research, IIoT could add $14,2 trillion (equivalent to thousands of billions, 1015) to global economy within 2030. Impressive numbers, albeit simple explorations of the future, that give us an idea of the relevance that these technologies are already having for the companies that have been the first to pursue the digital conversion.
How does IIoT works?
IIoT draws its basic technologies from the Internet of Things, best known for its large dissemination among consumers, perfecting them for a more business oriented use (recognizable for the solutions’ scalability and reliability on extreme situations).
The classical architecture of an IIoT project is usually composed by:
Usage cases
There are several benefits that a manufacturing company can achieve from implementing an IIot project, that can be differently quantified according to the sector or the particular niche where the company operates, or the complexity of the project.
Future scenarios and benefits
The sooner the manufacturing companies will start implementing these new technologies the greater the benefits they will achieve. In the future will become common to work with completely digital companies and first-movers will have more chances to keep a competitive advantage in their own niche.
GreenVulcano strategic consultants usually suggest companies to start reflecting as soon as possible on the opportunity to convert their businesses and the advantages that can be allowed by the incentives offered by the Italian Government, taking into consideration that costs for these solutions are becoming increasingly lower.
Bearing your business in mind, what difficulties could you solve with these kind of solutions?
Write us to give your feedback or to receive more information on how to start your own IoT project!
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Vehicle Telematics will grow exponentially in the next 5 years, according to the analysts at GreenVulcano Technologies.
Internet Of Things, mostly called by its acronym IoT, is a market worth, only in Italy, almost 3 billion euros, registering a 40% growth during the last year. IoT is a term coined back in 1999, by Kevin Ashton (aged 49), a tech pioneer and visionary, founder of the Auto-ID Center research consortium, at MIT. […]
In an increasingly dynamic, fast-paced, and interconnected world, it is crucial to innovate fast and to innovate our infrastructures to keep up with a constantly changing world (and market). Smart mobility, Smart Infrastructures, Industry 4.0, Hyper Automation, and PNRR are the cornerstones on which GreenVulcano is working, to accompany Italian companies towards the digital transition […]