Innovation, tax reductions and sustainability: a guide to the Transition 4.0 for companies

What does Transition 4.0 mean? The Italian Relaunch and Resilience National Plan foresees 24 billion to encourage companies to invest in digital transition. What is the plan, what are the benefits, and what is the role played by GreenVulcano Technologies?

Digital transition is one of the main topics of the Recovery Fund, the plan proposed by the European Union to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic and to stimulate recovery in the Member States. 

Covid, indeed, sped up an already developing trend in different industries in the last years. That is, the digital transformation and innovation of companies. As stated by the President of Confartigianato, Marco Granelli, in an interview with Il Giorno:

the digital has been the weapon small industries wielded the most to challenge the restrictions imposed by the pandemic”.

How can we confront the change? And why is it important for companies to digitize their processes and adopt software solutions to support their business growth?

The Transition 4.0 Plan

One of the interventions for the digital transformation of Italian SMEs is the new Transition 4.0 Plan sanctioned by the Government to replace Enterprise 4.0 and Industry 4.0 and aimed at stimulating economic growth and innovation in companies, incentivizing and encouraging investments. 

According to Marco Calabrò, of the General Directorate for industrial politics, innovation and SMEs at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development:

the plan should be seen as a whole systemic intervention, not a series of individual actions”, in order to provide “a set of tools that could support companies in their innovation processes”.

The pandemic, indeed, highlighted the gap between the digitized societies and the latecomers in the process of modernization or, anyway, those who haven’t met the required standards yet. 

It’s not a case that, thanks to the resources of NextGen EU, the Government decided to help this latter category. The EU funds can be reinvested to adopt operational tools, such as e-commerce websites, as well as software programs for the analysis of data and cloud platforms to exchange information.

Moreover, the Government is expecting substantial incentives to buy new smart, interconnected machinery to optimize and automate the production, management and monitoring processes.

A chance for the SMEs

This is a unique occasion for Italian small and medium enterprises burdened with a considerable delay in the transformation process and in the digital transitio

A research conducted by the SMEs Digital Innovation Observatory highlights that only 9% of Italian SMEs employ sufficient technological solutions to maintain an adequate competitiveness level. A worrying data, if we consider the entrepreneurial fabric of the country: in Italy, SMEs are roughly 220 thousand and represent 41% of the national revenues and 33% of the employed workforce.

This led the Government to allocate a 24-billion fund to support those companies - not only SMEs - that from November 2020 to December 2022 will invest in the digital transformation.

What are the benefits

What are, then, the subsidies and the benefits entailed in the Transition 4.0 Plan for the companies willing to invest in their renovation?

Let’s start from:

  • Tax benefits for the investors;
  • Increase in the caps and tax rates for investments in material and immaterial assets;
  • Increase in the caps and tax rates for investments in 4.0 material and immaterial assets;
  • Enlarge the maximum ceiling for the investments in Research & Development, Innovation, Design and Green;
  • Credit for 4.0 employee education.

Moreover, the plan also entails substantial incentives on ecological transition, with an increase from 10% to 15% of grants with a max ceiling of 2 million.

The role of GreenVulcano

GreenVulcano Technologies has always been an active player when it comes to the renovation of companies from a digital perspective.

In particular, we empowered many companies with new technologies to manage and monitor production and provided them with all the solutions for the implementation of operational services, cloud platform adoption and solutions for the exchange of data and information - outside of the office too, which is fundamental given the recent shift to remote working.

Moreover, our decades of experience in the field of IT safety and development, organization and installation of tools for the analysis of data is increasingly relevant to promote this transition.

Indeed, as stated by Alessandro Niglio, Advisor at GreenVulcano:

“The skills GreenVulcano Technologies has in managing enormous amounts of raw data and to transform them in added value contributes to our ability to offer Disruptive Innovation, which should lead our customers to interact with new markets, new industries, new business models and new sources of revenues. After all, the Next Generation EU represents a huge opportunity to actually make the 4.0 Transition.

What will the next challenges be? And the potential solutions?

In the next few weeks, we will publish a white paper to deepen this topic and to illustrate GreenVulcano’s role as an enabler of digital transformation.

The revolution we’re living through, if approached in a precise and organic way, with individual digital interventions, can yield incredible economic benefits and bring sustainability in business”,

Niglio added, stressing the strategic importance for companies to trust their experienced partners.

GreenVulcano, indeed, is the digital partner of major companies and national and international institutions such as Octo, Eni, Acea, Ericsson, Inail, Accenture and many more.

Follow us on our website, on our social channels or write to us at to know more about our innovative solutions to revolutionize your company.


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